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Plant-based Diet Fact & Fiction

The world is full of information—and misinformation—it can be challenging to separate what’s true and what’s not. Like, where do you get your protein? Or, what are ‘good’ carbs and ‘bad’ carbs? To help clear up some confusion, check out this link to help separate fact from fiction. Read more >  

Casein Protein and the Cancer Connection: Is it a Danger?

In the book, The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD., reports how he discovered, with over 20 years of cancer research, a link between animal protein intake and cancer development. Read More >

The Truth About Olive Oil – Health Food or Not?

Many journalists do not fully dissect the scientific studies they’re reporting on. Facts get distorted. Qualifiers disappear. Headlines turn sensational. And so does the truth about olive oil. In this article, Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center, Jeffrey Novick, MS, RD, responds to the hype about olive oil.

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Protein Overload

by John McDougall, MD Are we consuming too much protein in the Western diet or the Standard American diet? Dr. McDougall answers that question and many of the myths about protein intake. Read More >

Is Eating Raw Vegetables Nutritionally Healthier than Cooked Vegetables?

Most raw vegetable ‘purist’ and some nutrition experts will tell you it is healthier to eat raw vegetables because they believe that cooking vegetables destroys the vitamins and nutrients in raw foods. Is that really true? Read More >

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Fat soluble vitamins are essential to your health, and each one has its one very important function in the body. Vitamins A, D, E and K are still classified as fat soluble vitamins – since they are soluble in fat and are absorbed by the body from the intestinal tract. Read More >

What are Minerals?

What comes to mind when you hear the word minerals? Do you think of rocks, stones, and metal? How can these be of benefit to your body? Minerals are another group of nutrients (along with vitamins) needed by the body. They have two general body functions: to regulate body processes, and to give the body structure. Read More >

Effects of 7 Days Ad-Libitum Low-Fat Vegan Diet

The Nutrition Journal on October 14, 2014, published the results of 1,615 patients who attended the McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, California. I attended the McDougall 10-day Live-In Program in June 2007 so my results are included in the published results of 1,615 patients. I’m very proud I am one of the many success stories from Dr. McDougall’s program.

Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Peer-reviewed, medical research shows that a low-fat, plant-based diet can prevent, and in many cases reverse chronic western diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Type-2 Diabetes. In fact, it has been shown that 80 percent of chronic diseases are preventable, especially with a shift to a plant-based diet. Read more >

What is Plant-Based Nutrition?

Plant-based nutrition is a diet of whole plant foods made up of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. These nutrient-dense superfoods have been proven to provide the human body with all it requires to thrive: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and sufficient calories.  Read More >